Senior Golfers

I give well over 1000 lessons at Goose Creek every year and most of those lessons are to seniors. I enjoy working with seniors and through the years I’ve known as a senior golf specialist.
I’m 71 years old, so I fully understand the problems we senior golfers have to deal with. As we age the game starts to present new challenges. These challenges, however, are easily overcome through simply adjusting our priorities and style of play. I’ve done it and so can you!
I have many senior students who are now playing the best golf of their life. They’re scoring better than ever because they’ve become better golfers. Specifically, they’ve learned how to keep the ball in play, and they’ve improved their short game.
Anyone can become a better golfer. It’s not that difficult, but you have to stop continuously buying new golf clubs and searching for swing fixes. Instead, you have to take the time to understand and play the game differently.
I believe, with regards to golf, getting older is only a problem for those who resist change. To learn more about how I teach the golf swing, read My Golf Swing Philosophy.
Also, take a few minutes to browse through my Free Video Book. In the book I’ve posted about 50 game-changing videos that I believe you’ll find interesting.
To learn how I would help you specifically, take my 90-minute Full Game and Equipment Evaluation. I give these evaluations almost every day. To schedule an appointment, call me anytime at 951-377-6268.
After taking my evaluation, if you like my ideas and feel comfortable working with me, consider taking my popular Seven Lesson Signature Series. I always modify the series to fit the specific needs of the student. It’s very affordable, we explore every aspect of your game, and you just pay as you go. After completing the series, I give each student FREE two-hour playing lesson. There is no charge for green fees, cart, or warm-up balls. It’s a $200 value and it’s my way of saying thank you!
Finally, I’ve owned my own golf club building and repair shop for almost 25 years. Today I specialize in fitting and building senior golf clubs. If needed, I could modify your current equipment or build you a set that would be easier to use.
I look forward to becoming your personal golf coach, club maker, or both!